Our Early Days
Hi! We’re Matthew (left) and Kevin (right). We met as co-workers at a nuclear power plant in 2015 where we found we had a mutual interest in technology and electric vehicles. Kevin owned a Model S since 2014 and was in line to be a very early Model 3 customer. Matthew was a day-one line waiter for the Model 3.

Starting LivingTesla
When Kevin took delivery of a VIN 25XX Model 3 in late 2017, we started making videos about the car to share with a very interested and eager YouTube audience under the name LivingTesla. A few months later, Matthew took delivery of his Model 3 and kept a steady stream of videos on the channel. The earliest videos were mostly about basic features of the car, comparisons of different accessories we were using, and our experiences, often by request from the video comments. While Matthew was the face of YouTube, Kevin was the face of our social media channels.

Introducing SnapPlate
In mid-2019, Matthew got a “fix-it” ticket for not having a front license plate on his Model 3 shortly after he got a new 3D printer at Maker Faire Bay Area and we began development of the first prototype SnapPlate to get that ticket signed off. By late August, many versions later, we decided it was good enough to show the world and launched our store.

Introducing EveryAmp
Even before SnapPlate, we already had the domain name EveryAmp with plans to create content beyond Tesla, including other electric vehicle brands and consumer electronics. We initially planned to keep both names, but after running into several trademark issues with having Tesla as part of the name LivingTesla, we had to face the facts and change our name.
So, starting in 2021, we rebranded to EveryAmp. We really like that the new name is positive and inclusive and how that represents our vision moving forward. We plan to continue making 3D-printed accessories, starting with SnapPlates for Rivian, along with video content from Tesla and other shared interests like Lucid, Polestar, Nio, Canoo, Aptera, smart home, virtual reality, electric bicycles, photography, and, of course, our specialty, 3D printing.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement from the electric vehicle community. We’re looking forward to what the future holds!
Matthew and Kevin